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Why Does My Router Have 2 Networks?


You can not deny the reality that the net is a extremely vital device. You use it as a source of information as well as to complete most of your tasks like work entries, college study, purchasing, and paying bills. Furthermore, lots of products and frameworks, such as tvs and also garage doors, are already being managed utilizing wireless web connections.


However, there will come a time in which your connection will slow down, as well as your routers need to be upgraded. And as you buy a contemporary network router, you may be surprised that it is transmitting 2 network links. Hence, you begin to ask, "Why Does My Router Have 2 Networks?"


As a summary, first-generation or typical network routers contain just one network. That is an 802.11 b WiFi that has a 2.4 Gigahertz band, which is typically made use of in the houses. Another tool that has actually been made in the late 90s and very early 2000s is the 802.11 a, 5 Ghz single network router for businesses. As time passed, a router that sustains both the 802.11 a and also 802.11 b user interfaces has been produced. Such is now the so-called 802.11 n or dual-band network router.


As you might keep in mind from above, dual-band network routers include the channels for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Therefore, they are developed to transfer two regularity varieties, either at the same time or simultaneously relying on the sort of the dual-band router that you will certainly use. check best dsl modem .




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